6 Proven Steps for better sleep at night

Muhammad Jamal
3 min readFeb 19, 2022


Research conducted by the sleep school claims that a single night without proper sleep can decrease productivity by 57%. We know what you want to say, “I can’t count how many nights I struggle to sleep at night.” We understand you are not suffering alone; experts term insufficient and poor quality sleep as a public health pandemic. Grab a coffee as we are going to learn how to sleep better at night through some proven steps given below:

1. Save Yourself from excessive blue light exposure:

Excessive blue light exposure in the evening disturbs the body’s circadian rhythm. It tricks and leaves a message to the brain that it’s still daytime. Try blue cut glasses and install block blue light apps on your smartphones and laptops. Disconnect yourself to bright screens at least 1–2 hours before bed for better sleep at night.

2. Limit Irregular day time naps:

A cat nap restores energy and enhances productivity. But, sleeping for a long time during the day can confuse the internal clock that ends poor and deprived sleep at night. So, if you feel sleepy during the day, catch a wink in the early hours of the day, no more than 30 minutes

3. Replace the Sleeping Pills with Supplements:

According to the American Psychological Association, sleeping pills are not the solution to sleep problems; instead, you pay the price in the form of side effects. Consider using nutrients and supplements like melatonin, Ginkgo biloba, glycine, magnesium, etc. Do consult your doctor before taking a dose.

4. Monitor what you eat and drink:

Don’t keep your digestive system empty or overloaded during the night. Try a balanced diet. Take your meal at least 4 to 5 hours before going to bed. If you feel hungry later, go for a small number of healthy snacks to satisfy your cravings.

Avoid caffeine and excess of any other liquid before going to sleep. Caffeine is a brain stimulant, and it disturbs the quality of sleep.

5. Set Your Room Environment:

Create a sleeping environment for better sleep at night. Average bedroom temperature, comfortable bed, mattress, and pillow are the ingredients of quality sleep. In addition, make sure your room is free from all interruptions, noise, and unnecessary light to sleep like a baby.

6. De-Stress yourself before bedtime:

Stress hormones are one of the main culprits of poor quality sleep. De-stress yourself before going to bed to allow excretion of the sleep hormone melatonin. Instead of lying in bed worrying about what’s going on wrong with your life, try meditation to clear the clutter of your mind. Our experts suggest that you should read a book or jot down your worries on paper if stress persists.

The Bottom Line:

A large population suffers from harmful diseases like sleep apnea, cardiovascular disorders, obesity. It’s all due to poor sleep, and 54% of the people term their lifestyle as a major contributor to sleep deprivation. Therefore, a slight lifestyle change by following the steps mentioned above can lead to health and well-being.

